I'm currently a second year master student at North Carolina State University studying Computer Science. Previously, I graduated from UCLA with a double major in Communication and Geography.
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Goal: This project assesses the current cellular coverage of T-mobile in LA County and three possible scenarios to improve coverage.
Viewshed analysis was conducted using ArcMap 10.7 using T-mobile cell tower locations and a 3-arc-second resolution SRTM Void Filled DEMs from USGS Earth Explorer. DEMs were combined using the raster mosaic function.
Current estimated T-Mobile cellular coverage in LA County
Scenario | Coverage of total land area in LA County (in percentage) |
Current State | 41.08 |
Construct 3 new cellular towers | 42.80 |
Increase the height of all existing cellular towers by 10 meters; | 41.58 |
Increase the maximum range of all existing cellular towers by 5 kilometers | 43.62 |